
Tuesday 11 March 2014

Week Ten!

Well, I've made it.
!0 weeks of Bollywood. (OK 9 weeks of Bollywood. It would have been 10 if I hadn't been working), and so we reach pizza night. Or it could be Indian curry night depending on the mood and would fit lovely with the Bollywood movie that is lined up.
But it is a milestone to be celebrated and enjoyed. We should find reasons to celebrate every day, even if it is something small, like going to an exercise class for 10 weeks, or still posting a poem every day until Easter. Which is a lot harder than I imagined. And I am struggling as you can tell from the quality of the poems. I think I would have failed English at school if I had used some of these for my exam, but then I never did much poetry at school, nor did I say I was a GOOD poet, just a beer poet and I haven't had a beer for a week either.
But I am trying to be good when it comes to food and exercise. (beer should be a part of the daily diet, it should stand prominently on the eat well plate along with good meat, tasty veg and proper chocolate but that dream will never happen, and I don't keep the eat well plate in mind when I do pick my tea. And if I was told to drink beer every day, I might end up drinking less. We never do what we are told, or what is supposedly good for us, do we?)
So I am eating less chocolate and more veg, and trying to walk 10,000 steps, which I thought would be easy as i walk everywhere, and fetch and carry all over the place at work, but I don't.
I have to hold my head in shame. I have only managed to beat the total twice, and that was because I went out for an extra walk to make up the steps.
!0,000 steps is about 5 miles, and that does sound far but it is not impossible and an extra challenge for me.
Is that enough challenges to beat?
I hope so. It it making me feel tired just thinking about them, and I still have to wrack my brains for a poem for today.
Why do I do these things to myself?
Oh well, I shall sign off for now and stare at the wall for an hour or two until something tum-ti-tums in my head, and if that doesn't work, maybe banging my head against said wall will work, (joke).
Poem later!
Thank you for reading xx