
Sunday 5 April 2020

Too much time on my hands

I am not a good blogger, I know that. It's been two years since I've bothered to write anything on this. I still don't have anything to say but the world is going through an enormous change at the moment and I have learnt a new word, "furloughed".

There is enough news and blogs and tweets and information to drown out anyones brain. I feel like I am a character in one of my own stories, trapped but allowed out once a day for air. I would run but no one would take me in, and escaping now would be more dangerous in the long run. Yes, an idea that can rumble through my grey matter before anything comes of it.

But it is NaPoWriMo and I have been trying poeming out again. (I never gave it up really) But first I'll share the words and worlds I've snapped in these difficult times from when I have ventured outside my door.

They are, well all my stuff is a bit weird but these are unedited (I say this as if I am any good at editing) and tell the wandering tale of the first seven days...

Please enjoy the pictures.

COVID-19 Days

When we were all alone

There's a disc in the sky.
Cannot tell if it's sun or moon.
Mist lays in strings, in waves, in puddles in the dips between grass tussocks glinting with frosty dew.
I went for a run and discovered the world,
is naught but a game board.
And I don't have the right shoes.

Morning folks.😊
First day trying to run. I agreed to do a 5k run for charity before lockdown so I'm going to honour this, and now I'm not working I have the time. 👣👣👣
I can't run... I get two black eyes 😂😂😂


She is setting now,
Swiftly following the sun.
Beginning to bloom.
A guiding light before her,
she travels on.
Leaving slivered light to trail behind her.
A gown of night.
A crown from the memory of dawn.
An end of a day,
The promise of another to come.

A blustery wind
A busy, back-fluffed bumblebee feasting on golden-grey catkins.
A winter touched sleet shower
A warming sun
An apologetic grin from the far side of the pavement
A guilty walk...alone
But Spring doesn't care for distancing.
It is here 😊

First sniff off a fresh jar of coffee.
Splash of snow touched rain on my face,
then blast of sun.
Two bra's to hold my tits in place,
so they don't escape while I run.
And the wide world shrinks down into one small space
to explore, to wonder, to praise,
Before I'm done.


Pink & Blue

For a moment the sky was brighter than the sun.
I slept in 'til I was all slept out.
Black boots, rainbow coat, grey rain, walking round the block once again.
Chocolate's what it's all about,
If only for today.


Eyes peer downwards
World is too wide to view just now
Downwards to small things
Small is growing anew


Doing nowt
But my brain is rumbling
words, ideas, things.
Stuff I didn't have time for
before work cut out.
It's all just tumbling about.
I'm just wondering...
But I'm sat here, mug of tea in hand,
Delightfully doing nowt 

There is a whole world I know nothing about,
where strange things walk, live, grow.
But I am learning...
Always learning how far away they are,
How different they be,
How interconnected they are to me.
And I to them.
And so I walk. Live. Grow.

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